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Image Comics Fandom
More information on this character is available here: Smut.
"Oh, so brave and noble the master is! Observe the laced rot of his face, the nauseating green glow of his eyes..!"

Smut is a character in Spawn.


Smut is a little horned, cat-like Hell-creature that makes his first appearance in Angela Issue #3. He has the persona and dress of a butler, and travels with 3 other Hell-creatures including Ticki-Tacki who look after an abandoned castle in the eight circle of Hell, in a remote part called the Afterworld, that was the home of (at least in Smut's opinion) the greatest lord of Hell prior to Malebolgia. He assists Angela and Spawn to escape through a nearby gate and is last seen tumbling down the emptiness beyond though he may have jumped back to the castle as Spawn suggested to him before jumping back to Earth.
